I started getting training help from Chantel several months ago, before I had a hip replacement. I continued to get modified training assistance , advice and instructions in all aspects of my workout, from Chantel, as I got stronger and more experienced at using weight machines and other tools for my workout. Whenever I have a question about a machine or an exercise using other tools such as resistance bands, bar bells, kettle balls, stability balls, or weight machines I was new to, I had Chantel who was quick to reply and give solid expert advice. It is like having your personal trainer come with you to the gym! I use Planet Fitness, since that's an inexpensive way for me to have access to the weight machines, etc that I don't have at home. And when I then broke my ankle 5 months ago, she has tailored a slow recovery workout to my specific needs. We had to wait until I could put weight on that leg again, but in the meantime, she made new routines I could do at home, to work with the rest of my body that wasn't affected by the injured ankle.
Also, when I just can't make it into the gym on a scheduled day, there is a way to move the workout to another day. The Training app she provides is easy to use, and you can follow it all the way thru your workout, it has timers for exercises, and stats for each type of exercise you're doing. You can ask questions and make comments right on the app.
Chantel also gives positive encouragement all the time, and expert tips for each type of exercise you are working on. I am a 63 yr old woman and if I didn't have her advice, I would have felt lost in the gym, especially working on machines I have never used before. I didn't feel dumb going in there in the middle of a bunch of beefed up guys, I knew how to use stuff correctly, and 1. not make a fool of myself, and 2. Come away from the workout actually accomplishing something instead of going in there and wandering around.
Or going in there like I used to, and only use the treadmill or bikes or other cardio machines, but not get a very good workout, so it was an inefficient way to use the small amount of time I have.
Believe me, if you don't have much time to work out, and you want results using weight machines or other tools correctly getting advice from a person who actually does the workouts and knows what she is talking about, sign up with Chantel thru WMN PWR Fitness LLC and you won't be sorry!